Monday, 2 December 2013

To Joshi

9:23 pm


Long time I wanted to write something for you; something about you. Thought by birthday it would be done, but naah, as if the universe was trying all its force to stop me. But hey I fought, skipping Sayajis yummy delicacies I am trying to scribble something I had long planned.

I am happy to have met a person like you, Vipul. Easy  to go, living life his way, not caring about the society, not faking out for the people around; I like you just the way you are. Yes we do make fun of your reactions, yes we keep puling your leg but the best part is,  you don’t pretend to be someone else, just to fit in. Apart from many rare things you are born with ( I am Paridhi and its my soul right to tease :P ), this quality in you is the rarest and the best thing about you.

I would come to your cooking skills later, now that you owe me some of your sandwiches (even the rice would do) ; It's good to know a guy who is so open about his emotions. Our time to time Fb chats, discussing over random feelings and issues, you have a filled a space in my jigsaw puzzle dude.

For the rest of you who are reading this, this guy is the first I have met, who planned a b'day gift for his mom or who was bold enough to tell. He lives away from his parents, travels alone to cities, he is again a person who is happy with a book (geography book for some rare reasons), coffee and ticket to anywhere on the planet. You meet him, you greet and you will end up with a long chat, FOR SURE. Topic, it could be anything. Sports to Kitchen; History to Bollywood; Virtual to reality any damn thing, so don't worry just say a  Hi.

Joshi, It's great have you as our friend. It's great to have the worlds tastiest tiffin around waiting to be eaten at quarter past twelve. Haha! I was really glad to hear that you enjoyed your b'day, the end of teen  and the start of a new journey…

Wish you all the very best in life. Wish you get a life you would love, a partner who would love you…

Your nautanki Friend

aka LOL Jain

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