Saturday, 29 December 2012

Happy 19 Prateek!

I seriously don’t know where to start from. Prateek Jain, you have been the best friend for all of us! You understand each one of us. It’s because of you that we all are still fighting, still gossiping, still laughing at past jokes and still building some great memories. Thank You for always being there.
 I have never seen a guy whom nobody hates; I have never seen a guy who hates nobody. It’s rare. You are rare. And I am in no way going to lose you. The bhaii-behan relationship is just to ensure that we remain best friends forever and ever. And my future husband has nothing to be jealous of except that you will be living a handsome 60 and he will be all wrinkly and worn out!  Haha!
We all loved Mrs Laghate for her sarcasm, didn’t we?
Eeeeeeee PRATeek! The relationship we guys share with you is of pure love and selflessness. There is no ego, no negativity nothing. I don’t know how you do it but my mood swings for good whenever I think of you. 
Be you always! Be the Prateek we all are so fond of.  Happy Nineteen Prateek!

With loads of LOLness