Wednesday, 31 October 2012

a page from college life

Note : No hard feelings for anyone. Fact of college life one realizes sooner or later.

31st Oct, 2012
Room alone

Quiet a week. Third semester midsem exams over and I am failing in all yet again!  Feels like an achievement now. I remember that girl who cried when she couldn’t crack Bitsat and promised herself that she would score the best in her batch if she ends up in a B grade engineering college; only to find that it doesn’t matter altogether. Indeed you are savvy enough if you bunk those boring classes and sit at home; read a book of your taste or watch those pending movies. 
 All you get here is a bunch of aimless, confused, and jobless persons as your friends with whom first year definitely seems incredible fun. Alas! As the third semester approaches, the frequent bunking and going to nearby food stations, the local train journeys, the talks and gossips all seem to become a part of the boring college routine. The worst case being when you yourself become ‘the gossip’.  
It’s so funny that day by day nothing appears to change but when you look back you realize the unplanned college mess you belong to now; you start hating the person they turned you into; you start detesting the fact that you let them degrade you.
But believe me it’s never too late! All you need to do is find the place you got lost from, search for the right path and follow it. The cuts and bruises being the symbol for the learning you had while wandering in the jungle.
I, a second year engineering student of a B grade college have gone through it all and survived it. I still loathe that random urge I get to justify myself. But the question is to whom? And then I find myself sitting quietly in my room; making an entry on the laptop; thanking my family and friends for just being there.



  1. I truely hear ya. You fell into it. I dodged it. Glad.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. and sorry i cant reply on FB messages due to some reasons.

  3. yet another "perfect" story from a "regular" college going girl...!
    likey!! :D

  4. Thanks Shikha! Keep reading keep commenting :)
