Tuesday, 20 August 2013


*Before you start please note, my mother is also a teacher.

It must be a small issue for most of us; some may just laugh at it and don’t bother to give another thought; others may show their anger but forget it after some time; me, I want to give it a fight. I can’t stand when they hurt my self-respect. I live in a democracy and I have a right to express. I don’t see a teacher and a student as two different species with unequal rights. Why shall a student be mum when he knows that what he is being taught is wrong or what he is being scolded for is unreasonable. Today while explaining myself to one of the faculties in Medicaps, I was asked to put down my hands; I am sorry, I don’t understand what you mean! I was mocked at by her in front of her fellow colleagues for getting angry and not accepting the mistake, for showing no shame and for having guts to explain. I am 20, a literate and educated girl who knows the difference between right and wrong; who knows to judge and who has her own voice; also with no criminal record, if that is to count for.

 I can’t breathe in such a dictatorship environment. Why shall we respect your orders, when you yourself don’t respect the powers you have been given! You say this is for our benefit, hah! I differ to agree!  And I am ready have a debate. Let’s have a GD practice, for I missed so many of those lectures.

One more thing, back in school, we didn’t have fines, but there was discipline somehow. We were the same students back then too. I wonder what was different.
